Design Students Buck “The Future of Workplace” Noise and Replace It With Hard Work


Exceptional interior design solutions tailored for each client and their individual needs, take time and some serious energy…

As I work with my team to finalize the visuals for a concept presentation for a new project on our boards here at marquardt+ I was reminded of my participation as a guest reviewer for the University of Arkansas Interiors program and the quality of work, presentations and unique approach these many students put together for their fall semester studio and Steelcase.

University of Arkansas Architecture and Design Programs

The studio was using this year’s Steelcase Next Student Competition program to redefine the workplace with unique solutions to meet an individual program, versus the future of workplace noise saturating the press, and it showed in their work. Unleashing students and young designers creating solutions provides innovation untainted by redundant thinking, and more attune to thinking outside the box, to solve problems in an individual box.

Here is a link explaining the Steelcase Next Student Competition, of which I was honored to participate as a judge a number of years ago as well:

NEXT Student Design Competition

I was impressed with the variety of the multitude of projects we power reviewed. The many reviewers provided feedback on the fly and extended general thoughts for later that were published in the course book the interior design program produced as a follow up and support as they finished their work.


Note that it is 238 pages so it takes time to download. That said I think this could help some firms in practice, as well as students of design. Studio Coursework Book

I look forward to seeing how many of the student entries end up accepted for the competition, and the rising careers of these young unencumbered designers that hopefully will change the narrative and dilute the traps that design industry trends and conventions impose upon project processes and outcomes.

A special thank you to Jinoh Park, Ph.D., MBA, WELL APm, Assistant Professor of the Department of Interior Design at the University of Arkansas, for reaching out on LinkedIn to invite me to participate, and to the students themselves for their work, enthusiasm, respect and thanks. I received your card in the mail and am impressed with how many notes are on it, front, inside and back.  It is now pinned on our wall here in the studio!

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